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Arma 4 Officially In Development

Bohemia confirms the first details on the next installment in the mainline series.


At long last, Arma 4 has been officially confirmed. Bohemia Interactive has not shared specifics on the realistic military shooter, instead giving players a small teaser video. However, that wasn't the only thing announced (or released) during the developer's stream on May 17.

This is a completely new release in the series, but outside of confirming its existence, Bohemia did not say much else. There is no timeline for when it will be released or when fans might get to learn more about it. Right now, all we know is that it is in development and that it'll run on Bohemia's new and more powerful Enfusion engine.

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Now Playing: Arma Reforger Early Access - The Good And Bad

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While fans might have to wait some time to play Arma 4, Bohemia is releasing a new game, Arma Reforger, today across Xbox and PC in early access. This is a $30 bridge to Arma 4, taking players back to the map of the original Arma game, Cold War Assault, but with updated graphics and new systems taking advantage of Bohemia's Enfusion engine.

The fact that Bohemia is announcing Arma 4 so early represents the latest in a trend. Before this, Rockstar Games confirmed GTA 6 earlier than some might have guessed, while CD Projekt Red revealed The Witcher 4 ahead of what might be considered a traditional timeline.

The popular theory is that these studios are revealing projects earlier to help recruit staff amid "The Great Resignation," where workers in the gaming space (and all labor sectors, really) are seeking new and better employment opportunities.

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