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Amazon Studios Buys Borat Sequel, And It's Coming Sooner Than You Think

Sacha Baron Cohen's new film is just days away from arriving and it has a ridiculous title.


While 2006's Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan was a huge hit, so it's no surprise there is a follow-up coming, even if it is 14 years later. According to a report from Deadline, Amazon Studios has purchased a new Borat movie, and it will be out before Election Day in the United States, and you can check out the first trailer for the Borat sequel here.

A report from The Film Stage had allegedly revealed the title of the film, but GameSpot has learned said title is incorrect. The official title will be announced soon. Although the world is in the middle of a pandemic, the film, as indicated by a Deadline report, was shot quickly after unions agreed on production reopening for movies.

The movie has been rushed to be ready before Election Day and because many movie theaters are still closed or not at full capacity, reports indicate the Borat sequel will be on Amazon Prime before the end of October. However, it is unclear if this will be free to Amazon Prime Video subscribers, a rental, or purchase.

Back in August, we learned about the filming of this movie as a production truck and pick-up truck with Cohen as Borat in it were spotted on the streets, as you can see in the video above. No other details about the film have been revealed as of this writing.

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