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Alternate aTTaX And Team Split Up, To Bring In 1.6 Veterans

Alternate aTTaX have lost the CS squad they have been supporting for many years, and replaced it with a team of 1.6 veterans


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Team Alternate, Germany's household organization in the CS scene for countless years now, has parted ways with its CS:GO squad today. Although reasons are yet to be made official from organization's side, the ESL roster has undoubtedly indicated the team will be removed from the organization. Furthermore longstanding member Kevin 'kRYSTAL' Amend confirmed the departure on his facebook, making a post which read:

Good bye my lover. Good bye my friend.

Was a "good" time with you.

(new organisations, new hot chicks!)

The move comes after Alternate didn't manage to secure an EPS victory at the German EPS Finals last month, instead losing out in the semi-finals and losing Christian "Rak" Hermenau-Puhlvers as their fifth not long after. Despite being punctual and finding a new fifth it seems the organization has cut ties with the team and will be making a new start.

From further statements by Azmican "asmo" Berberoglu the team has confirmed to be sticking together, as they begin their search for a new supporting organization. A statement by Berberoglu to website read:

Alternate and the players have agreed that our paths were going different ways in the future. We of course want to thank the sponsors for their continuous support and time. We will return to our ESWC 2012 tag Berzerk, and continue to stick together as a team.

We're looking forward to what the future has in store for us, and hope that we can get a good amount of offers from organizations. When there's an org though that could also offer us LAN support, then in particular please write us an email at azmicanberberoglu(at)web(dot)de.

Thanks for your support!

Alternate have reportedly already set their sights on another team. From speaking to multiple sources in the German scene it seems incredibly likely that the organization will be bringing in a squad based around two CS 1.6 veterans. Several sources reported that four core players had already been found, including former 4-year 1.6 team Alternate member Manuel 'approx' Zeitz and his former 1.6 mousesports teammate Michele "zonixx" Köhler.

The other two members that were confirmed to be part of the team were Tahsin 'tahsiN' Broschk and Marcus 'J0hnny' Gabriel. The person who is rumored, but not yet confirmed to have completed the line-up is ex-n!faculty player Simon "smn" Beck, who would in that event return to CS:GO after a lengthy break following the disbanding of the n!faculty squad in 2013. He is however still disputed, as other names also pop up for the fifth spot.

The rumored new CS:GO line-up for team Alternate houses:

  • Manuel 'approx' Zeitz
  • Michele "zonixx" Köhler
  • Tahsin 'tahsiN' Broschk
  • Marcus 'J0hnny' Gabriel

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