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Age of Empires Creator on His Own

Rick Goodman, cofounder of Ensemble Studios and lead designer on Age of Empires, sets up shop as Stainless Steel.


Rick Goodman, who along with his brother Tony, started Ensemble Studios in Dallas in January of 1995, let the cat out of the bag today. On Wednesday, the game designer officially announced his new game development company Stainless Steel Studios Inc.

Goodman told GameSpot News today he went to E3 with 500 press kits and spent three days in Atlanta seeing publishers and showing the single title Stainless is currently working on.

"It's all very exciting - we were well received by all of the major publishers," Goodman said. Goodman says Stainless Steel will be working on "one super-A title at a time."

Goodman is calling his first title at Stainless Steel Empire Earth, though he said the title isn't necessarily final.

GameSpot News will keep you posted on developments out of Stainless Steel Studios.

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