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Actor Orlando Bloom Reveals How Much He Was Paid For Lord Of The Rings Films

Working on Lord of the Rings was the "greatest gift" of his life, Bloom says.


Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring was the very first major movie role for Orlando Bloom, who played Legolas. Recently, he revealed how much he was paid for the 2001 fantasy movie, and it's a bit lower than you think.

He appeared on The Howard Stern Show recently where he said he was paid $175,000 for the first movie. "Nothing, I got nothing. 175 grand . . . Listen, greatest gift of my life. Are you kidding me? I'd do it again for half the money," he said, as reported by Metro UK.

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Bloom, who originally auditioned for a smaller role, Faramir, added that he re-negotiated for more money for The Two Towers and The Return of the King. "I was in a good spot. They negotiated pretty well for me to buy a couple of houses; it was that kind of money," he said, according to The Playlist.

Bloom went on to play Legolas again in The Hobbit trilogy, and presumably he was able to negotiate for a good sum. Bloom currently stars in the Amazon show Carnival Row alongside Cara Delevingne.

No new Lord of the Rings movies have been announced, but a biopic about author J.R.R. Tolkien starring Nicolas Hoult in the title role hit theatres in May this year.

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