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Activision Pledges GBA Support

The company plans to position itself as a major third-party supporter of the Game Boy Advance.


Activision has revealed that it will develop at least six games for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance handheld. The games will be based on its most visible properties, including Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, X-Men, Spider-Man, Matt Hoffman, and Shaun Palmer.

"The Game Boy Advance is set to revolutionize handheld gaming with its high-performance 32-bit processing power, broad color palette, and Internet capabilities," said Ron Doornink, president and COO of Activision. "Activision is well positioned to leverage its market momentum as the number-two US third-party software publisher for the Game Boy Color onto the upcoming platform. Our robust Game Boy Advance product slate, coupled with the platform's backward compatibility, should ensure that our current and future Game Boy titles continue to perform strongly."

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