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New Co-Op Game Lets You Play With A Friend Who Doesn't Own It

The EA-published indie game now has a release date.


A Way Out, the intriguing-looking indie game from Brothers developer and Swedish filmmaker Josef Fares, will launch on March 23, 2018, publisher EA announced tonight during The Game Awards. Not only was the release date revealed, but EA also revealed a unique promotion where you can play the game without buying it if a friend owns it.

This is being called a "friends pass free trial," and it'll be available right away at launch. You need a constant internet connection and an EA account to use this trial. Also, your friend must be on the same platform, and you'll need PS Plus or Xbox Live Gold if you're playing on console.

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Now Playing: A Way Out - Meet Vincent and Leo

A Way Out will be available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. A new gameplay trailer was released during The Game Awards, and you can watch it in the embed above. Far more memorable from the game's showing at the event was director Josef Fares, who put on quite the display.

Set in the '70s, A Way Out focuses on the story of two convicts who are on the run after a prison escape. After a getaway chase, the story transitions to follow these two characters as they come to grips with their past, all while trying to stay one step ahead of the law.

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