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2AM Games Partners With Systems Education Centre

It's 2AM, do you know where your games are?


2AM Games announced today that it is partnering with Systems Education Centre Pte Ltd-Multimedia/W2 Inc. of Singapore and Foster City, California, to set up the first multiplayer Internet site on Singapore's new broadband network, Singapore One. The site will offer online chat as well as a lineup of 2AM's eight games - Alliance and Defiance, Chain of Command, The Invisible Hand, Total War, Backgammon, Poker, Chess, and Checkers.

The company also announced the hiring of a new director of site activities. Aaron Bianco, whom 2AM calls "an avowed games master and long-time tournament buff," will oversee tournaments on 2AM.

2AM is also gearing up to release new versions of Alliance and Defiance, Chain of Command, Poker, and Chess. The new versions will come online in the next few weeks and will feature more scenarios, new graphics and audio cues, single-player and team-play options, and other features.

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