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12,500+ spectators attended ESL One Frankfurt 2014; over 500,000 concurrent viewers worldwide

ESL One has proven to be a success with over 500,000 concurrent viewers worldwide watching Germany’s biggest eSports event alongside an on-site attendance of 12,500+ spectators.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

Photo by: Kelly Kline
Photo by: Kelly Kline

As the dust settles on the aftermath of Invictus Gaming's dominant performance, who came out victorious over seven of the best Dota 2 teams in Frankfurt this weekend, we now have confirmation of the attendance of this massive Dota 2 event.

The first edition of ESL One has been a huge success for ESL who are calling the event "Germany’s biggest eSports event" after seeing an attendance of over 12,500 visitors in the Commerzbank-Arena stadium each day.

“ESL One Frankfurt 2014 was a major success for ESL and for eSports in general. Whether you were inside the stadium or watching online, I believe everyone felt the special atmosphere which made this an unforgettable experience for all gaming fans”, said Managing Director of Pro Gaming, Ulrich Schulze.

The event was also able to reach a whopping 500,000 concurrent online viewers across the event weekend who watched Invictus Gaming become champions of ESL One.

“The fans, the stadium and the entire atmosphere were overwhelming. It’s an amazing experience to play in such a massive stadium in front of all these people and you could feel the energy from the crowd all throughout the tournament,” commented Invictus Gaming's Wong 'ChauN' Hock.

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ESL One Frankfurt is a prime example of what we can expect at this year's International event after selling out roughly 10,000 tickets in less than an hour. With the group stage only a week away and all eight teams of ESL One Frankfurt in attendance, we are quickly heading into one of the closest Dota 2 tournaments seen so far with over $10,000,000 on the line.

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