Army Men series gets a good face lift with Team Assult.

User Rating: 7 | Army Men: Team Assault PS
Okay i've been a fan of the Army Men Series since I was a kid and still am.

Graphics: well they are a bit choppy at times but they still have some vibe to them for the PS1 era but the lighting was awful on my TV and it still is. Sometimes you would have to hide yourself from the light just to play it.

Sound: With no voice acting at all in the game the sound comes in very well.
The noises your weapons make sound a little bit better now and death sounds cooler. Even though its kinda off, it still is fun to hear that, "Aht!" noise when you gut a guy with your knife! :)

Audio: You cant really say anything as there is not a single note of music in the entire game.

Fun: Well it is pretty fun just going around trying to kill every gaurd you see but the whole story is pretty cool even for the last level. You can play it with a friend for hours just killing your own chosen army.

Rating: about a 7 or an 8 since its pretty fun with a friend but you don't really have anything to look forward to after beating the game.