Weak, glitchy game.

User Rating: 5.7 | Army Men: Toys in Space PC
Army Men: Toys in Space is simply 3D0's attempt to milk all it can out of the Army Men franchise, and it shows. The game is uninspired, and tries to cash in on some kind of "campy" appeal, but ends up just being really awkward and difficult.

The graphics are pretty poor, and the sprites don't line up properly. Sounds are spartan at best, although Sarge does sound okay. The factions are badly imbalanced and the single-player campaign is quite boring... when it even works properly. The computer is also quite, quite insane with certain powerups, like the hammer or the spray can, since it has unerring accuracy.

In multiplayer, the game is a little better, but networking issues with it combined with reliability failures mean you're not likely to get much time in. The Army Men have truly gone to space with this game, let's hope they come back.