This game isn't worth your time or money. I prefer the N64 Army Men over this one.

User Rating: 3.5 | Army Men: Sarge's War XBOX
Army Men Sarges War is a Total Letdown. If you liked the N64 version of these Army Men games, you won't like this one. The controls are what I have to call "crap", and the way you aim is retarded. It even allows you to shoot without moving aiming at something, then your controls seem all out of whack. The graphics are horrific for the Xbox and I would even prefer it if it looked and felt like the N64 games. The sound is "so so" but could be more accurate. The value and replay value of this game is worth nothing. I would never replay this game ever again. I don't even know why I still have it. I can't even believe that gamespot gave it a 5.2 it was so bad. Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time or money by buying this game.