Pretty cool

User Rating: 7.7 | Army Men 2 GBC
This game is like the first army men, i no longer own this one but i did for 2 years, the only difference is that you run faster, the enemies have flamethrowers and you are in the human world. For example, in the first army men, one level you are in the desert, and there are enemies with rifles and auto rifles and one mortar, and there is a mine field (your obstical) in the second army men, you are in a giant kitchen(compared to your guy, not you) the enemies have rifles, auto rifles, a mortar, and two flametrower guys and this time your obstical is a stove that is turning on and off, and if you step on to it when it is on, you melt. I like the fact that you run faster, the enemies are a little smarter, but overall it is the same as army men but in a different place.