No ones online, and basically dissapointing

User Rating: 6 | Armored Core 4 PS3
Well, I know that this game was expected to be great and all, but its not even close to the hype.

Since I have no positives that come to mind I'll just start off with the negatives.

This game is extremely hard, not to mention boring. I could get to level 3 or so but after the short and repetitive missions of levels 1 and 2, I couldn't stand this game and stopped playing as abruptly as I started, also it has no Dualshock 3 support, which is a huge disappointment. Also the multiplayer is stupid because one on one is boring, and learning/teaching how to play is so hard it isn't funny, its pretty unfunny, really. I have tried time and time again, but I have never played online because no one is ever online, which is sad.

The customization is nice though, but it wasn't until I was 5 hours into the game that I figured out that I could sell my parts to get new ones. Also changing colors is time consuming as one has to choose a primary and secondary color for every part, and there are, like, 40 parts. And no six-axis use is also kind of disappointing.

So all in all, this game is horrible, and, unlike in my FIFA 08 review, I was not exaggerating or being critical at all. So at this point in the review, one would say that AC4 is only for hardcore AC fans, but, no, I can't suggest it to them either.