This game is hard to describe on whether or not i like it. Its fun for a while but then gets too hard

User Rating: 7.5 | Armored Core 4 PS3
Armored Core 4 is a game that can be either really good or really bad in people's eyes. The single player campaign starts off easy, but then gets nearly impossible Also, each mission is never more than 5 or 7 minutes long. The objectives are can really all be classified in a few groups: kill a boss; kill all enemies; kill a specific target; or protect something until help arrives. Armored Core makes up for this however with blazing fast action that never stops. This is mostly do to the fact that theres multiple boosts for what ever you need; over boosts for covering long distances quickly; quick boosts for avoiding attacks; and some other boost for flying. The customization is really deep, but in a way, a little too deep. Theres so many to choose from, and little indication whether theyre actually stronger, that it is hard to choose what weapon you want. It is usually easier to choose a weapon and just get a better weapon when the upgrade for it becomes available.

The multiplayer was a huge letdown for me. I thought it would be great fun with 4v4 online. However, when i tried to join a match, i kept getting a screen that said "no games found" The odd time you can get a game going, usually 1v1 and it is fun while it lasts, which usually isnt a long time. Overall, Armored Core 4 is a game that you shouldn't spend $60 on unless a) u either like the Armored Core series and mech fighting games in general or b) you dont know what else to buy.