a game for anyone who likes explosions, giant robots, and big guns.

User Rating: 8 | Armored Core 4 PS3
Well one of the greatest about armored core 4 is the custimization you could have a quick alige ninja robot or a giant robot with grenade launchers, laser cannons and more. but along with custimization comes alot of rules like weight or energy use. also the paint jobs can be quite cool since you have a variet of colors to choose from. then there is emblems which i have fun designing a nice fluer de li with spears. now for some of the bad things about armored core 4 it's missions are way to short they are fun but it could use some more content. but don't get me wrong some are hard. for example there is mission where you have to desytory some forces in the dark when out of no where a flying fortess comes out a attacks you. the missions do have a hard mode which includes some more emenies. one where you have to fight four nexts at the same time. also the story is not good it is like a political war story which is very confusing. all and all this a great game for those who like seeing things blow up to the moon.