The 4th Game (actually the 12th) in the series is one great Mech game.

User Rating: 8 | Armored Core 4 X360
Gameplay- The single player will keep you busy most of the time. Trying to complete all the missions and then all of em on hard. There are no achievements for online play for those people who strive for those. If you are a mech junky like me you will sit there for hours trying to perfect your mech till the last digit of its stats. The difficulty is kinda Random(?) I say that because some missions on Normal are ridiculously hard until after you beat the game and have access to many more weapons. Now this game is fast and furious unlike its older brother chrome hounds. Online is kinda ridiculous no one plays ranked match (for the fact there are no achievements) and that people arm them selves with weapons that do ridiculous amounts of damage but hey the game is still fun. A 9 for Gameplay

Graphics- Are nice except for the fact the environment seems bland. Other than the Mechs and Primal Armor (protective shield that stops you from taking damage for awhile), and Explosions are Nice. An 8 for Graphics

Sound- Is well done with every weapon sound and every explosion and with insane amounts of enemies on screen it dosent stop. Soundtrack-cool techno tunes but sadly there is only like 8 but still really good. A 9 for sound

Value- Gold for great (A 9)

Tilt- A 6 because this game will eventually get old. Although there is multiplayer if feels like its just....there.

Overall- 8.0 Solid