
User Rating: 7.5 | Armed and Dangerous PC
This game got humor, and i mean alot beetwen every level it got funny video clips.

4 strange characters and crazy weapons

I mean the black hole not often u get one but its dangerous,
the game is to easy and short (finished in 1 day) but it's worth the money (haha i got it free when i bought SW : BF for xbox) but its a funny game and if u can get it cheap u should buy it directly.

As i sad 4 strange and funny characters, u have 2 of them with u.
And use strange weapons u almost uses the machine gun but somethimes u can use some cool weapon. lika a weapon that firez a chark that swims under the floor and eats up the enemy trunts. many action/humor packet missions

If u have kids in the age 9-11 u should buy this game to them, it is prefect for kids, i think. and if u are looking for some game wich isent dark as many other games just funny bright and easy buy it!

Value : 6,5 / 10

Humor : 10 / 10

Longelivity : 3 / 10