A thoroughly entertaining game! Laugh out loud funny!

User Rating: 8.2 | Armed and Dangerous PC
I only wish that Planet Moon Studios had spent a little more time polishing this game because it could have been one of the best. As it is the game is full of humor, from each and every cutscene to the gameplay itself. The storyline seems well thought out and executed, creating a game that may not be incredible, but none the less very fun. The game is played as a third person shooter, which I thought at the beginning would be hard, but I got used to it quickly and found it to be very effective. Nothing in the game is complicated to figure out or do, the play is very linear and you can't really get lost, and even if you kill your partners, they come back in the next mission. Failure then is not severely punished. The play itself was great, the machine gun was a practical and useful weapon, but the rest of your arsenal can be funny and I loved using things like the shark gun or the black hole just because. The level design was much better looking than any of the cutscenes which was good because it made the play that much more interesting. The sound was excellent, I thought each weapon made an appropriate noise, especially the shark gun. The ambient music I though was very good, although that is my own taste. The in game voices were hilarious, making comments as you play, especially the villagers you rescue. The cutscenes were terrible visually, but they were so funny at times that I forgave that little problem and enjoyed them anyway. They truly moved the story along from mission to mission, and there were plenty of cutscenes to watch. If you didn't get enough of them the first time, you can go back into the game menu and watch them again. The characters were well developed and each had their own style that only added to the game. Overall an excellent value since I was able to pick up the game for ten dollars retail. If you like shooters and are looking for a laugh, give this game a try, and even if you don't like it your not out much. There are also tokens to find in the game to unlock things like big head cheats so there is some replay value also.