A near-perfect sleeper hit! PLAY IT! You won't regret purchasing

User Rating: 8.7 | Armed and Dangerous XBOX
This is an excellent sleeper hit that's sure to entertain anyone, FPS lover or not. But you won't find it in your local Target, Fry's Electronics, or Circuit City. It lies lonely and forgotten, behind Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, in a local Gamestop. The game play is great, even though it suffers the minor fault of all FPS, repetitive action. But don't take me the wrong way, I love endless shooting as much as the next guy. Every few levels the game spices it up by adding a level where it's you in a ball turret, that is armed with a motar cannon, against the King's Army, a massive force of soliders. You have defeat them, while avoiding to hit civilian houses , (it takes money away from your overall bounty, yes you have a bounty on your head; why do you think you are fighting the King's Army in the first place?), and preventing the troops from breaching the wall you are protecting. The music compliments the game, giving the game an 19th century feel, while on screen the game is entirely seperate from the music you are listening to. The graphics are decent for it's price. Overall, buy it.