Oddly unexciting with sound effects and voice acting so bad my gran could have done better.

User Rating: 4 | ArmA II PC
For a game that is supposed to be the ultimate soldier sim it is rather rubbish in more than one place. I am a long time fan of Operation Flashpoint, to the point that I still enjoy playing it now, so I was looking forward to playing both ARMA 2 and the new Op flashpoint when its out.

I found the general story in ARMA 2 to be complex and boring, it also feels quite stupid in a lot of places. Mission one for instance go here and knock out this comms building. Okay fine, you get there and your confronted with a mission where you can escort a hostage to a safe area, now I dont want to sound petty but If I am deep behind enemy lines with a mission to knock out an important comms building I'm not going to want to mess around holding some local idiots hand am I.

Also mid mission you often get the chance to search for evidence of war crimes, but again it just dosent feel interesting and it dosent really feel worth it. It might have seemed more realistic if instead of using what looked like a pile of mud spread on a digestive with feet sticking out of it the designers had perhaps represented a mass grave with either a hole in the ground (cutting edge I know) or some sort of simple grave markings (a cross or something)

While I can see what the designers were trying to do, it just dosent quite feel right.

In general I thought the missions felt generic and boring, also your team interaction was pointlessly fiddly.

I think though my biggest problem with the game was the damage model, its supposed to be a soldier sim, so they have made a very pretty landscape and some interesting lighting effects but the damage model on the enemy vehicle's looked like a slightly nicer looking version of the flashpoint damage model, which is a tad disappointing considering that this is supposed to be a realistic game.

Even with the settings racked up to high the damage model on vehicles looked a bit pants.

I have to give it to the designers the map editor is very good, I got quite a lot of enjoyment out of messing around creating set piece fights etc, its just a shame the gameplay feels off some how.

In general I cant recommend ARMA2 to people, it was dull, badly implemented and just dosent grab your interest, hopefully Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising will be better.

And to anyone that thinks I think the game is dull because its soooooo realisitic, guess again I love realisim and can quite happily spend hours crawling through the grass only to die in one shot having never seen the enemy, proof being that I still love playing WWII Online where you really do die constantly.
This was dull because it wasnt interesting and just didnt make me feel tense.

Oh and I thought the voice acting and sound affects were awful, my gran could have done better.