WOW! This game actually taught me something.

User Rating: 7 | Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? DS
Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? Yes, people have been complaining about how the questions are really hard and how they are actually high school questions. However, you can't blame the game for that. It's the show's fault.

-You actually learn something since the questions are hard
-3D graphics are actually quite good for the DS (you'll be amazed)
-Just challenging enough
-Feels like you're the best when you win the grand prize
-Questions are quite well scrambled

-The host is quite rude since he makes fun of you when you are thinking about the question
-Speech is very repetitive (At the start of every game, he makes you listen about the rules OVER and OVER again.)

Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader is better than Deal or No Deal.

OVERALL: 7/10. Why? because it's a good game but soon enough, you'll play it only when you have nothing to do.