A sadly unfinished game, but hints of the masterpiece remain.

User Rating: 8 | Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura PC
Arcanum was one of a few games that Troika pumped out before going defunct, and, much like the other titles they made, and that Obsidian is now making, it is ambitious, but doesn't quite live up to its potential due to being, essentially, unfinished. This is not to say it's a bad game, but all of the signs of what it could have been are still there.

First, to get it out of the way, the gameworld is...sparse, and this is the primary facet of what I mentioned earlier, about it not being complete. There are a lot of areas where there seems to be remnants of what used to be quests, and the whole place feels a little underpopulated for that reason. Additionally, there are a number of companions you can recruit, but only 2 or 3 of them actually have that much dialogue, keeping this from ever being a game that could live up to the depth of character that Planescape and Baldur's Gate II created.

The actual storyline however, is quite good. As is par for reviews, I can't talk too much without spoiling it, but there are plenty of themes of technology versus magic, and the clash between the old and the new. Not to mention that there's a pretty good twist on the idea of 'The Chosen One'. It's not going to win any awards, but it is a satisfying story.

Where the real meat of this game is, however, is the character creation and the skills you can have. While they are distinctly unbalanced, there are so many fun choices that you can pretty much create the character you want, if you don't worry too much about breaking the game.

From then on, you can create all sorts of things in a crafting-like way, gathering various items from the gameworld, or cast a myriad of spells, or get the usual gamut of skills an RPG protagonist can get. The only real flaw here is that there's not always a clearly established option that supports these abilities. For example, you can bring back the spirits of the dead from their corpse, but there are only a few times where this nets you anything other than listening to the tortured screams of a particularly hated NPC.

In its whole, it's an incomplete game, but it is a good one, and worthy of a try. Now that it's only 6 dollars on gog.com, there's not really an excuse to not try it. So, go do so!