Not worth it...

User Rating: 5 | Arcania: Gothic 4 PC
A total of 10 skins. Disastrous voice acting. Strange battle system. A total of 10 spells. Worthless alchemy. An "open" world in which the path to the next zone is blocked by something extremely stupid or by some idiot who's permission you need to pass, because some idiotic looking NPC aren't letting you go. A total of 20 monsters. Most of the quest are - go bring me XX amount of XXX because I'm XXXX and i say so. No choices. People don't bother when you are robbing them. The only thing that have remained from the old Gothic are a few familiar names which doesn't even bring anything to the story (at least so far). But a few names doesn't make a game. Also i forgot to mention that the game is power hungry and with my 460GTX platinum and a DualCore CPU at 3Ghz i rarely get a framerate above 30.

With two words - It is not Gothic. If you want the real Gothic 4 play Risen. Despite the name and the fact the Risen's world is kinda small it is the true successor of the Gothic series.