I Will survire in time and space La la la The cats are of the bags in mass productions and the fun will be had for days

User Rating: 6.5 | Arcana Heart PS2
The Game has it good and bad points The GOOD are
11 Characters and Arcana, Dozen of Moves and Okay A.I.

The Bad are some weird images characters are overpower in the story and Arcade mode and the control are very precise

The story mode is funny in it own way but you the game with a very very very very very v very very very large grain of salt. The ability to mix and match characters and arcana is great for a Pass Through but the high will pass in due time. Not for the player who like tons of replayable for months. The Characters are Heart Aino, Saki Tsuzura, Kamui Tokinomiya, Konoha, Maori Kasuga, Mei-Fang, Lilica Felchenerow, Lieselotte Achenbach, Yoriko Yasuzumi, Kira Daidohji, and Fiona Mayfield
The Game has it good and bad points The GOOD are 11 Characters and Arcana, Dozen of Moves and Okay A.I.

The Bad are some weird images characters are overpower in the story and Arcade mode and the control are very precise The story mode is funny in it own way but you the game with a very very very very very v very very very large grain of salt. The ability to mix and match characters and arcana is great for a Pass Through but the high will pass in due time. Not for the player who like tons of replay valve for months.