This Game have a lot to offer!

User Rating: 9.5 | Arcana Heart PS2
Arcana Heart may not look, but it's a awesome game that you (2D fighting gamers) should have ^^

The game look like every 2D fighting game,but the game setting is pretty cool!!! I mean, you can choose your Arcana (Like big summon given you combo and extra attack) and mixt up super combos (I saw a japanese doing 31 combos, O.O), That give a lot of combo's series (maximum of 121). Each characters have they own "plus" and "less" but they all have nice super combos and outfits ^^. Well here the check list for you my friends.

Gameplay : 10/10
The mixt with the Arcana and the characters make the game very more attractive.

Story line : 7/10
All characters have ther story but well, the final fight is always the same for each of them.

Graphics: 9.5/10
2D fighting game are the best ^^ and the characters art are very nice and every charcaters wear nice clothes ^^

Positive of this game: 9.5/10
-The game offfer nice music
-The life bar is pretty long,that make the fight more funny ^^
-The Air dashes attack are very nice
-The Arcana is a good idea, that make the game more attractive in the fight and bring a new concept that make smile us :)
-All characters are pretty sexy ^^'

Negative of the game : 8/10
-The command list is pretty weird and confuse player at the beggining (A,B,C,S????What that mean......)
-The story final fight (Boss) is pretty hard (even a easy)
-It's hard in the beggining to catch the difference between Arcana heart and Arcana heart FULL.....

Well this game may look very confusing in the beginnig, but take sometime to know better about it and you will certanly love it.

This game has already touch my heart with those new concepts ^^