This game is one of the best.

User Rating: 8.9 | Arc: Twilight of the Spirits PS2
All in all, its one of those rare games you find that are so amazing.(IMO) Graphics are sweet, the characters just plain out rock! (especially Darc!!) The storyline was one of the best ive had in awhile... I truthfully didnt think much of the spiritstone system. IMO it was actually pretty unique and added an extra challenge to the game. I personally trained my characters at the arena (DEIMOS MORE SO). My Darc got to be in middle of game basically immortal. Atks from super monsters did...1! Then he would slaughter them with AIR BLADE! His skills were sweet...if you didnt notice i thought darc was we cooler than his bro Kharg...that idiot...tore off his own wings....(what a loser)! I like how they pitted the brothers against each other throughout the entire game. Overall rare find, great buy, worth the money!