The worst Arc the Lad game released in the US. Don't bother playing this game!

User Rating: 3.1 | Arc the Lad: End of Darkness PS2
I rented this when it was released, and returned it the next day.

For some reason, Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits looks (and is) way better than this game.

How that happened, I don't know. Usually games in a series are suppose to improve over time, but they really took a step back with this one.

The sound is alright and story too, but the gameplay is just BAD. The game is definitely not fun. There are better hack and slash games out there. Go play Kingdom Hearts I and II.

I've played the Arc the Lad Collection on Playstation back in the day, and the first two games were good, and Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits was really good (My favorite of the series), but End of Darkness went wrong. They should stick with the more traditional gameplay.

I Can't really recommend this game to anyone, so just stay away from this title.