If you thought 2D games for PC are dead... Think again.

User Rating: 9 | Aquaria PC
What can I say about this game?
At first I saw the images and the pictures here on gamespot and saw the demo option, so when I got home I got it and installed on my computer, quite straight forward and easy install, then set resolution (square monitors only, no wide screen... yet.) and I was pretty much ready to play.

Double clicked the Aquaria Demo icon and watched the initial images, from the start I could notice the seamless and smoothness of the graphics playing on my screen so I began to get curious, everyone knows that the player controls a sea living girl named Naija who doesn't have much memory of her past (familiar plot anyone?) yes it sounded a bit cliché at first, then as I navigated her the first portion of the game I began to realize the game was more deep (pun intended :) ) that it appeared, the way everything appeared on the screen was extremely detailed and beautiful giving the treacherous look of the deep sea, danger and beauty mixed together on my screen with a soft music playing continuously that simply doesn't get boring.

The more I played it I began to compare it with other similar games like Ecco the Dolphin, The Guardian Legend, Super Metroid, Castlevania SoTN but fortunately began to realize that even if Aquaria had some similarities with those older games, it was a title completely apart from them on its own right, it shares elements used on previous titles true, but Aquaria polished many of them with amazing elegant designs and simplify others with the song system.

Yes, Naija sings, at least sings in 8 different notes that never seem to go flat no matter what combination you use, plus most of her songs change her form giving her skill or abilities to fight her way through the sea. She can also cook and combine foods to get better meals that increase attributes and skills or heals her and yes, the cook system is also simple and even fun to use and also simple enough to use it fast and not spend more than 5 minutes making meals (anything longer than 5 mins gets boring)

When the demo ended I just had a brief glimpse of the vast world ahead, there's really no linear aspect on it with the obvious exception you need some skills in order to reach other areas, and some small tips here and there on where you should go, also you can visit areas you were unable to because you lacked certain skill or power to reach, which in return lets you wander all around exploring more until you get the needed skill that you cna use the spot on the area you were unable to earlier.

Some of the challenges and monsters can be very tricky as they are not easy to kill, but you need lots of observation, sometimes your weapons are not the only weapon around.

This game is going to give hours of enjoyment and exploring, but it can be a bit tedious to swim back and forth fortunately the changes in scenery, music and overall atmosphere prevent it form getting boring.

If you liked old school games Aquaria is a great breath of fresh water to an old type of game but with renewed and incredible design, not everything good is always 3D, Aquaria makes that statement clear and loud, and if you want to spend the next week exploring in a game with surprising depth and excellent design you won't regret this game at all.

So answering my own question... what can I say about this game?
Its excellent. :)


PS. I put a 9 score total because of lack of wide screen support, seriously it would had been amazing to enjoy the full range of Aquaria's scenery on full screen with wide screen.