Anno 1503

User Rating: 9 | Anno 1503 MOBI

from the very first seconds, it sets us up for a viscous, almost meditative mood. The word "fast" means an action that takes place between 5 and 30 minutes. By "base" is meant a full-fledged city with a well-developed infrastructure. A modest list of resources consists of gold, wood, tools, bricks, granite, and forty-eight other items. A rickety hut surrounded by a potato field is just the tip of the agricultural iceberg. Ahead of us are plantations of wheat, herbs, tobacco, mulberries, sugar cane, indigo, cotton, marijuana (it makes good ropes, if anyone is not in the know), vineyards, a couple of livestock farms and a complete set of mining industry buildings. For the faint-hearted readers who decide that they are dealing with a slow version of Age of Empires, a close acquaintance with the game can cost several packs of validol - the volume of the exhaustive list of buildings here is several times larger.