Indeed, it is hard to describe. This masterpiece is innovative in its way to make "life" fun, quite an arcane concept.

User Rating: 9 | Animal Crossing GC
I've been playing Animal Crossing for years, I think the first time I rented it was about halfway through my 5th year of grade school, yet still I find it very difficult to find a lack of activities in this wild and odd world. The first thing that people may say about the game is that the graphics are awful, and personally, I agree with them, but for a different reason altogether. I think that the crappy graphics are just another factor to what makes this game laughable in a way that always keeps you in high spirits.

So yes, the main point of this would be to point out the wonderful sense of humour that this game delivers time and time again. As I said before, I still find things to do in my little city of Maelville even after many years of playing and the best part of those things is that they are always humourous and light-hearted. Even the main storyline is something to snicker at, instead of going on some sort of epic adventure or save the world from destruction, your oh-so-awesome character finds him/herself in a situation in which the most evil villain of all time, a local shopkeeper, comes to collect your.... DEBT. Yeah, the entire point of the main story is to pay back the debt from the house you purchase in the beginning of the game. But from that, you eventually meet a diverse cast of other residents who are quirky and weird from all spectrums of the scale. Whether the chicken next-door says "doodle-da!" to you whenever you speak to him, or the bombastic white cat feels that you are coming on to her- you will be hard-pressed to find a single normal person in your neighborhood. This just makes the whole experience of "life" to become a bit more enjoyable, whereas another lifestyle game such as The Sims would expect you to maintain a household while generating income and yadaydada, Animal Crossing allows you to go out on a whim and smack the grumpy green bear in lot A-2 with an axe. (Speaking from experience of course :})

While Animal Crossing COULD be compared to the Sims, it really is on a completely different plane of existence. As said before, the Sims almost resembles a strategy game, with the bills weighing you down from buying that hot-tub or the fact that the household relationships have turned more south than Australia, whereas Animal Crossing effectively removes the issue of being responsible. Honestly, the worst that could ever happen when you were gone was that the town has succumbed to a massive weed invasion or a dozen cockroaches now nestle happily under your bed. In short, Animal Crossing is ridiculously enjoyable because of the weight (or lack thereof) on your shoulders and the ability to be free and do whatever you want.