Don't let the name fool you. Animal Crossing is one of the best games out there.

User Rating: 9 | Animal Crossing GC
When I first heard the name "Animal Crossing", I thought it was some stupid game for 4 year olds. That is, until I finally played. Animal Crossing is a rare gem that can be very, very fun at times, and it's set up so that not only is a lot of the humor understandable for kids, it's also funny for adults!

Animal Crossing starts out with a raccoon named Tom Nook giving you a house to stay in. Of course, houses aren't free, so he obviously wants you to pay him back. This is basically the whole story of the game. You have to pay off your debt. But don't worry, there's no time limit, so you'll always have time to rake up enough "bells", the game's currency. But don't think for one second that all you do is collect money and pay some jerkish raccoon. There's so much more to this game, and you could literally spend hours upon hours playing the first time you boot this game up. You can talk to your neighbours, buy stuff and redecorate your house, you can fish, catch bugs, dig up fossils, try to grow up the collection of animals and fossils and paintings that are kept inside your museum, and you can also talk with the other animals around town and do small-jobs for them to earn more money and get furniture. There's also a raffle that takes place on the last day of every month at Tom Nook's store.

The sounds in Animal Crossing are okay. This game is an obvious port of an N64 game, and it really shows. The sounds are kind of beepy, and not very high quality. The music also loops way too often, and can get on your nerves a little bit at times. Also, the graphics are just terrible. They're not at all up to par with the GameCube's capabilities, but I can't exactly blame Nintendo for not changing any of this stuff seeing as how they had to release it on the date they said they would. But quite honestly, I wouldn't have minded a bit of an extended wait to get the improvements.

Animal Crossing is a great game that is well worth your money. In fact, it probably costs very little right now, seeing as how it's already pretty old. Sure, it has a few problems, and there were a few things that weren't in it that just seemed to be obvious inclusions, but you should buy this game right now.