User Rating: 8.3 | Animal Crossing GC
To start off I have to say that animal crossing is a very unique game. I do not think you can find anything like it anywhere else. Gameplay Animal Crossing plays like no other game. It’s a game that takes place in REAL time. By using the Gamecube’s internal clock the game adjusts not only the time of day in the village but also the season and holidays. It will even remember your birthday if you give it correctly. After a short Introduction you find your self in a small little town with a new house and consequently a new debt. There are two things you can do at this point, Go visit Tom nook and get a job or just explore the village. As you wonder around you will find lots of little things to do. You can shake trees to get fruit. You can pick up shells on the beach. You can go talk to your neighbors or write the letters that they will respond to. These are all things you can do right off the start. Soon you will find yourself wanting to get rid of that debt. After visiting tom nook you will be given a simple job. It is by doing these jobs, and selling stuff that you will earn money, called “bells” in the game. You can then use that money to pay off your debt and have your house improved. This once again gives you a new dept to pay off. Animal Crossing is more that just a home mortgage simulator though. You can also occupy your time making friends with the villagers, collecting bugs, fish, fossils, and planting flowers and trees. If you have a friend with the game you can save your character onto a special save spot and visit your friends hometown. This is where the game gets really interesting. People will move between towns. Not to long after returning to your home you will probably notice some people are missing and some new ones have moved to town. What is even better is that they remember their interactions with the people in their previous town and will often show you letters they received or ask you to run errands to the other village. Graphics Graphics is defiantly the week spot in animal crossing. While the games style defiantly sets it apart the world does not look very impressive. It really ends up looking more like a very good port of a N64 game than a Gamecube game. The graphics easily could of scored a 10 had Nintendo decided to use any of the more advanced capability of the Gamecube Sound The game has very appropriate sounds that fit the situation. They are not very impressive but they serve their purpose well. One neat feature is the ability to compose your very own tune to serve as your town music. Value Animal Crossing’s REAL time gameplay quite possibly gives it the longest replay value of any game. You could possibly find something new every day you play. How ever a lack of variety in the towns people dialog makes it hard to play this game very long. Had Nintendo taken more time writing this game would easily have scored