Animal Crossing is a brilliant game that you will find yourself playing for years.

User Rating: 9.5 | Animal Crossing GC
Animal Crossing is a life simulator. You move to a new town/village, purchase a new house, and after some financial problems get a job. Now this may not seem much of a life simulator with this structure but after about a half hour you are relieved of your job and get to do whatever you want. Want to pay off that nasty loan from Tom Nook? Do it or simply ignore it. Want to socialize? Go talk to the locals. Want to go fishing? Go right ahead. That is the brilliant thing about Animal Crossing. It's YOUR game so you do what you want. Add in adorable animals along with charming dialogue, and excellent customization, and you have one great game. Yes the graphics aren't perfect but if you are looking for perfect graphics I honestly don't think this game is for you... Everything else works and fits the game well. In the end Animal Crossing is a classic game that many people still play today.