So much good fun, it's hard to put down!

User Rating: 10 | Animal Crossing: New Leaf 3DS
So after playing AC New Leaf, I can't seem to put it down! There is so much to do that it seems unlikely that I will get bored with this game for quite some time, from exploring, fishing, hunting bugs, finding fossils, making clothing, building my town, making friends, visiting other towns, the island games, and many many more things to enjoy!

The game has lots, and I mean lots of customization options for you to sink your teeth into. The best part is being able to enjoy it in full 3D glory!

I'm also very happy with the action being on the top screen and not the bottom like the old Wild World edition, this makes he game seem more enjoyable.

The only complaint is not being able to keep my inventory menu open as i pick up items so I can put all my fruit in one basket.

Other than that I can gladly give this game a whole 10 points and suggest this for friends and family as a fun, and even relaxing game to play.