This isn't the best game I have ever played, but its not horrible either.

User Rating: 7.3 | Anarchy Online PC
I'm not going to bore you with any long review, so I'm just gunna lay out the pros and cons of this game.


Short load times, compared to modern MMORPGs.

Nice voice acting when it happens (which doesn't happen often)

Good dialog between Computer players and Human player.

A nice selection of jobs to choose from and good character customization.

Its free (promo) until January 15th.

Pretty cool stuff to do, get a house, a job, trade and chat.


Grahpics arn't as good as they used to be.

Lag plauges the cities at times.

In-game menus are somewhat buggy and hard to use at times.

Life-less character models, too stiff.

Confusing gameplay for new players.

Combat is weak and could use a face-lift.

Its not free forever, which I would never pay for this game.

Conclusion: To put it simply, this game isn't that good. Sure it has its moments but the majority of the game is weak in many areas. Its free for now, but in the future, it will cost again and its just not worth it.