A classic that stays on top and keeps bringing people in, more than half a decade after release.

User Rating: 9 | Anarchy Online PC
I have played AO since 2002 without ever taking a break for more than a couple of weeks. It was my first MMORPG and to this day it is the best one I have played, despite the game showing its age. This is not a game for spoiled WoW-players, for kids who wants a win button or for those who are impatient. Mastering AO takes time, it is a very complex game with a LOT to learn. I still learn things, even after 5 years of playing. It is a game where tactical thinking, planning and laying out the details is alpha and omega for your character. AO can't compete with today's graphics, being a very old game on a very old engine, but it is a gorgeous game, beautifully crafted with love from Funcom. The sound scheme is superb, the community is wonderful, the content is never ending and the choices are your own. If given the time, it will grow on you and you'll learn to look past the dated graphics and animations.

Because the basic game is free (the non-expansion base game), more and more people are flocking to the servers. It's worth a shot. Give it a week. If it hasn't grown on you by then, it probably won't, but chances are that players learn to love the game.