Just isn't cutting-edge anymore.

User Rating: 7.5 | Anarchy Online PC
I started playing Anarchy Online back in the beta, and I enjoyed it immensely. The MMO-setting was completely new to me, and the environment in AO was amazing. And the music was stellar too boot. There were problems, of course. the mission-booths failed 9 out of 10 times, and sometimes the lag was counted in minutes. But the game had what the french say, an... I don't know what. That the game was developed by a Norwegian company, Funcom, (Hey, I'm Norwegian) didn't count against it in my book.
Then the game was released, and it just didn't live up to my expectations. It just grew too complex. I lost interest. I cancelled my subscription 6 months after the release. Friends of mine kept playing . buying all the expansions and even becoming GMs. But in the end they all lost interest, like me.
I recently picked up Anarchy Online again after they released basic subscription for free, but I must say. Even though it's free I still won't play it. Maybe I've become too accustomed to nice interfaces like World of Warcraft, (Which I've also abandoned) but I can't get myself to play it for an extended period of time. The memory of grinding still lingers in my memory.