If you can stand graphics & mechanics of 2001, you will find a surprisingly good gameplay with the refreshing atmosp

User Rating: 8 | Anarchy Online PC
How bizarre is to enjoy a game from 2001 after Bioshock or World in Conflict? Let me explain this :)

For introduction I have to note that I played lots of MMOs, I'm beta-testing quite a few right now, so I have some experience as well as lots of disappointment.

That's not the case with Anarchy Online.

They launched the free service for the Classical Anarchy Online, so I decided to check out how it happens that game of 2001 is still alive (that's phenomenal!). And there's a very good reason for that- the game is so rich with content and options that most of modern MMOs are not even close to that level. The micro management of character is complicated but NOT annoyingly. And the quests have very enjoyable stories- you receive a feeling of having a role in old school Sci-Fi movie, and that's not only very engaging, but it also adds much to the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is worth to mention separately. First of all, it IS very refreshing from fantasy MMOs (that's not a marketing statement like in some cases, but the FACT). It is so nicely bizarre that you literally feel like in the different dimension. The sounds (it could be called ambient music) add a lot to that as well.

The bottom line is that if you are looking for MMO with enjoyable gameplay, so Anarchy Online is definitely is worth a try. However, the game will not appeal to everyone, because it is opposite to being cute or even pretty