Nothing has more packaged frustration quite like this game, not even a pubescent teen.

User Rating: 4 | America's Army: True Soldiers X360
Wow, i am glad I did not buy this game. I have a buddy who loves military shooters, him being in the military also probably has something to do with it. Let me paint the scenario for you as if Bob Ross was doing it for you. We are on the way to his house talking about all stuff military, as if I understood everything he was saying but I went along with it anyways. We get to his house, pop in the disc and begin playing online. Bam, we were both just shot in the face with bad graphics. "What is this, did we just buy an Xbox game?" I tell him no, you were just ripped off. The detail of the characters remind me strangely of feces without the stink. This is suppose to be a next gen game with next gen graphics. However even the first Xbox has seen better times.

Hopefully the gameplay will save the game. Nope, we just been raped there also. The interface is so clunky that it would make the tin mans movements seem smooth. The way the control feels when moving the gun around? DOOM felt more fluid.

I have nothing good to say about this game. It's on par with Soldier of Fortune Payback. I could have cut and pasted my review for that, changed the name of the game and it still would be relevant to this game. I don't know what the military was thinking when putting their name on this game. Maybe they should have played it first before risking hurting their recruitment drive. This game may make people think that war sucks in real life and not want to join. Maybe they should have just done something with Bungie instead and convince people to join through Halo 3. Who knows, anything else would have been better than placing your chips with this game. Getting your kidneys taken during your trip to Mexico would have felt like an investment compared to paying $60 for this game.