Truly Craptastic!

User Rating: 4 | America's Army: True Soldiers X360
This game is the very defenition of how not to make a game. I predicted this game was gonna be crap before it even came out. As soon as i saw the screen shots i thought to my self, they are using the same old game engine that ubisoft uses on all its games. I have played Rainbow six, Splinter Cell, GRAW 1 and 2 and they all look preety much the same, its obvious to see that Ubisoft has used the same played out game engine in every game, and so they do it again. This game has out dated graphics, the game play is choppy, slow , and disastrous. I have always been a fan of Americas army for the PC since it was released but this game belongs at the very bottom you trash can. They should have gone with skilled game makers like Call of Duty 4(Infinity ward) to make this game.