User Rating: 2.5 | America's Army: True Soldiers X360
This is most defiantly the WORST fps that has ever been made. O.k. so I go through the nine tutorials that cover all the weapons and basic controls and I think ok let's go to war and kill some bad guys right. Completely and utterly wrong; you go through a bunch of missions where you shoot non-deadly guns at your own people. Just like paint ball! The worst part about it is a very very bad impersonation of GRAW. The controls are kind of like what they were in GRAW and GRAW 2. THIS GAME DISGRACES GHOST RECON!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's really that bad. When you walk/run it feels like you get 2 feet shorter because everyone walks hunched over. I suspect that the online capability is not much better. I never tried it because after the single-player campaign I could not take much more pain. I returned this game to blockbuster the same night I got it and went to play Halo3. Buy that instead; they cost the same some how. If you really want to take the risk of buying go head. I promise if you do buy it you will hate your self for a long time.