worth your while if you are looking for a tacicle shooter. Not to mention that it is free!

User Rating: 8.9 | America's Army: Special Forces PC
intro: when you first start it would appear to be some what of a bland shooter with boring gameplay. It seems that way until you get into the multiplayer.

Graphics: the graphics in the game are all right for when the game was realeased though the texture are quite muddy. Though to keep it short the will not blow you away.

Gameplay: this is were I have to warn new players this game has been around for years and people will kick your ass. It all comes down to a different version of counter strike with the army logo which In respect might not be a bad thing. You get one life and can take the role of a sniper. rifleman, automatic rifleman,and grenidier. They may vary dependig on the manditory squad you join. It is vary fun and uses an honor system to find apropriote matches for your skill and stats.

Sound:This in my opinion is were the game shines the most. The weapon sounds instantly get rid of any complaints you could have. the are befare this best i have ever heard. Especialy if you have 5.1 dolby as i do the sound can be down right pee pants freaky {in a good way}.

Value: This is sort of a no brainer since the game is free. The only reason you shoud not have this game is if you need the hard drive space

Overal: This is game is one you simply must own. It isn't the most origanal but with sound and the shere fun of the action not to mention that it is free. Come On!