America's Army: Special Force is the best free FPS out there.

User Rating: 8 | America's Army: Special Forces PC
America's Army brings together some fun gameplay, realistic firefights and decent graphics. Although some my not be impressed with the fact that you have to complete training to get certain weapons, it's to be expected from a game endorsed by the US Military.
The game itself is made for online play, and has a certain level of addiction that causes players to play for hours on-end. The Bridge Crossing mission is easily the most popular mission, and, once you find a decent server, the action can be very realistic as you share commands with squa-mates, pop smoke grenades, and snipe the bad guys.
The game does have bugs frequently, but for a free game, i can put up with it . Seeing as its free as a download from There isnt a good reason why you shouldnt try this game out .America's Army: Special Force is the best free FPS out there.