Better than CS

User Rating: 9.1 | America's Army: Special Forces PC
This game is one of the best online shooters that I have ever played. I've had experience with Counter-Strike (old-school and source), Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Unreal Tournament, and Halo PC. This game, while it does not offer the easy, glitzy adrenaline rush of the others, far surpasses them in terms of realism and pure tension.
The graphics aren't great, but neither are they bad. They let you know what you need to do; they are highly functional, and that is all that is necessary.
The sound is much the same. You can tell what is going on, and there is no confusion. It isn't flashy, but then again, it doesn't need to be.
The gameplay is what makes this game stand out. Two hits and you're dead. I kid you not. It makes you be careful, watch where you're going, and think through each move. Completely awesome. If you blindly charge at a competent enemy, you die.
Perhaps the most awesome part of this game is the price. FREE. Let me say that again: FREE.
This game is awesome, and the price can't be beaten. Give it a shot.