Americas Army sets a new standard for tactical shooters. But what is so great about it is that it is all online and it i

User Rating: 9.4 | America's Army: Special Forces PC
Americas Army sets a new standard for tactical shooters. But what is so great about it is that it is all online and it is enjoyable. Also, did i mention it's FREE! The Army did a fantastic job with this game. The honor system works very well with this game. You kill your own teammate you get a big dedduction of points from your score wich goes towards your honor. I think though that a soldier customization tool could be used. But, the gun customization for the M4 is outstanding.The graphics from the Unreal 3 engine are very very nice. Sound of guns and bullet ricochets are brilliant. This game i found to be a very intense shooter.
I reccomend this game to anyone looking for a good tactical shooter. DOWNLOAD IT!