Prolly the best fps you can get for PC right now. FREE and the US army is constantly updating it.

User Rating: 9.4 | America's Army: Special Forces PC
The US army is developing this game not just for a recruiting tool but also as a training tool, so you know its going to be realistic. And for the most part I believe it is the /most/ reaistic fps game out right now. I should think that the army would know what the effective blast range of a frag grenade is and all that technical crap, but the game is still really fun with out being frustrating. The graphics are awsome and the sound will save you life - if you have headphones or a really good 5.1 surround sounds setup you can hear footsteps coming from differnt directions tworads or away from you. And on top of all that its FREE. How are you gogin to complain?!