America’s Army: This game, which has been created in close coop with the Army, should be great right. Well you decide.

User Rating: 5.3 | America's Army: Rise of a Soldier XBOX
At first when I started to play America’s Army, the fact that there was no option for third person game play was a bit of a let down; by now anyone who has read even one of my reviews knows that I am not a huge fan of first person games. Never the less, and be that as it may, to be fair I will admit that there are one or two first person games out there that were very enjoyable, surprisingly enough, but back the matter at hand. The concept of progressing through training was a very good idea after all it’s a game about the Army and it worked out pretty well. The training mission themselves were not to hard nor did they take a long time to complete, however, at beginners level handle the weapons especially the automatic weapons was a bit frustrating and to make matters worse, it felt like the weapons handled very differently in the field than they did in training. The AI in America’s Army was not bad at all, the enemy quickly locked in on your position if you were not stealthy enough or if you fire your weapon, which is indeed a dead, give away. The enemy soldiers affectively used any available cover and were very good shoots, they would also try to flank your position and hit from multiple vantage points, no complaint there. At the same time you tame members would actively hunt for enemy movement and alert the group of any hostiles in the area, no complaints there. To sum all of the up for you, there are lots of thing that America’s Army does right, however, due to the lack of a third person option and a few other details that made to game seem as though it was missing something, I was unable to fully get into it and therefore did not enjoy it very much.

So, there you have it, America’s Army is maybe worth a rental, and at first you will most likely find it fascinating, but that will pass quickly enough and you will find yourself looking for something to play. There are simply too many other first person war games that simply do a better job and are much more fun to play.