One of the most realistic shooters you'll ever play.

User Rating: 8 | America's Army 3 PC
I. Overview

The America's Army series has always shot to be a realistic shooter. It is a very fun game indeed. Basically the game comes down to pure teamwork, this is not like most shooters where you can run around by yourself and expect to rack up points. Teamwork is the only path to success.
The game has a variety of guns and a number of game modes. Such game modes include activated objective, attack and defend, V.I.P escort, etc... AA3 has changed significantly by not requiring the tedious training as seen in the previous games.


II. Pros vs Cons

Stunning graphics / extremely realistic / great firefights / many game modes / ranking system / available on Steam (free)

Server browser is a pain / punkbuster gave me a lot of problems / not something you pick up in a day or two, more like a week or two / A LOT of waiting


III. My experience with AA3

I downloaded the game from Steam and was amazed at how real this game is. I love the heavy emphasis on teamwork as well. The graphics were beautiful and the player movement was so realistic that I felt as if I were actually sliding to cover behind a trashed car. The game is pretty hard to get good at, I die a lot in it and don't get very many kills. This quality is unorthodox to many shooters however I think it just adds to the realism.
This game has its ups and its downs just like any other game. My top complaints for the game would be the following. Though there is a ranking system, there are no unlocks or rewards. The server browser has no stop refresh button which makes it a bit hard to find a game that you want specifically. And finally if you aren't patient, don't even bother with this game as there is a significant amount of waiting and watching other players (whether you just joined the game or you died and are spectating.


IV. Final Thoughts
My final thoughts of the game are "this game is a good, solid game." I has its good and its bad but I think the good outweighs the bad in this game. I would recommend this game to anyone who like military combat shooters with strategy involved. For anyone who is inpatient and loves to run around being a lone wolf, I would steer you away from this game.