Broken game obviously rushed, Army either paid or blackmailed critics

User Rating: 5.5 | America's Army 3 PC
Well, there's not a lot of good in here. Whether its the shoddy point system that rewards my idiocy for rushing into no-mans-land to check a downed foe or the broken physics or the putrid color pallet (256 maybe), this game disappoints at all levels.
If I were a lazy American degenerate that spent all my money on Hennessey, clothes with dollar signs, and rims that don't fit my car, I might think this is a good game. In fact this might make me want to join the army, seeing as how I have no opinion of my own.
Fortunately, I am not one of these broke individuals and can purchase games to play on a computer that wasn't stolen from the neighbor down the block.
Everything about this game is 3rd world, the U.S. military should spend my tax dollars on more WMDs rather than this garbage.
Can someone explain why I can't shoot through a window without using iron sighting or why i can't shoot under a supposed round hay bail.
Probably not, but that's what you get for recruiting Computer Science dropouts to program your game.